Kim Kardashian calls out Octo-Mom

Kim Kardashian is apparently taking umbrage with Octo-Mom Nadya Suleman, according to her blog. Finally, someone Kim is just slightly higher than on the morality ladder:
Why is Octomom wearing my Jimmy Choo sunglasses!? I think it's a little ridiculous that she claims she has no money and is on welfare to take care of her 14 children, yet she is out shopping and buying Jimmy Choo sunglasses!
I guess she'd rather spend her octo-dollars on accessories. Aren't 14 accessories enough, Octomom?? Am I sensing a shopping addiction here? Khloe and Kourtney can hook you up with someone who can help you battle this!

Yeah, Octomom, why are you spending all that money on Jimmy Choo's? When you could be shopping at Kim's store Dash! Stop in today for their Media Whore Clearance Spectacular. You're gonna love it! NOTE: If you're a Knicks fan, congratulations, your team's just been cursed. At least more so than usual. Hi-YO!